Friday, July 9, 2010

It's Too Darn Hot

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.  ~Henry James

Keep the sun off your face and an air of mystery with this straw hat from Kakalina Rose.

Melting... that's what I've been doing for the past few days in good old Upstate New York.  And though we try with all our might, the boys and I cannot manage to cool off.  The best bit of work that I got to do today was ironing (believe it or not) in an air-conditioned room!  It was a chilly 78 degrees in there.  It's best, however, not to complain, because tomorrow it could be 60 degrees outside and then I'll want the heat back.  How fickle one gets, especially when it comes to the weather. 

Keep your cool with these lovelies from Petit Plat

 Ways to Cool Off in the Summer: 
A Modest Proposal
  1.    Act like you're nine again and run through the sprinkler
  2.   Go see a matinee movie... I hear they have air conditioning.
  3.   Find a stream, lake, pond, river, kiddie pool, neighbor's pool, any pool and dive in.  Don't forget your water wings!
  4.   Treat yourself to a creemee (that's soft serve for all you non-Vermonters) with sprinkles!
  5.   Fill a rather large bowl with ice.  Position the bowl of ice between you and a fan.  Turn the fan on HIGH and pretend you are somewhere in the arctic... think cold thoughts.
  6.   Gather lots of tasty ingredients and make a smoothie.  Here's one of my faves:
    • Dig out the blender from the way back of your cabinet and layer ice, strawberries, whole milk yogurt, one banana, a mango and a peach (cut into chunks).  Add a bit of honey or agave nectar for an extra sweet kick.  Fill tall (preferably chilled) glasses and sip with a straw.  If you have those nifty little umbrellas and a wedge of fruit then bust them out.  It's like being on vacation... sort of. 
  7.  Consider joining a nudist colony?  
  8. Find two trees that are relatively sturdy and also relatively close together.  Hang a hammock and take a lazy nap or grab a trashy summer novel (in this case I always judge a book by it's cover and title -  if there is a picture of a body-builder and a swooning lady on the cover you've probably hit gold).
  9. Buy a plane ticket North.  Or, depending where you are, Buy a plane ticket way, way, way South. 
  10. Get a job at a grocery store.  Request to work in the dairy section, meat and seafood section,  or the freezer.  Take all the overtime hours offered.
Check out more underwater prints and other art at the Grace Gallery

A Summer-ish Mix

It's Too Darn Hot - Ella Fitzgerald 
Ah Mary - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
Take it Easy - Jackson Browne
Summertime - Nina Simone 
Reelin'  in the Years - Steely Dan
Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carne
Lights Out - Santogold 
Maggie Mae - Rod Stewart 
The Tide is High - Blondie
Ventura Highway - America
Summer boy - Lady Gaga  
Brown-Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Bring out your inner siren in this upcycled creation by Snuggle Pants.


  1. This is quite possibly the best blog post I've ever read. You are my favorite. Come back soon so I can give you a humid hug.

  2. Dear Miss Face,
    You are too kind and I would love a humid hug from you any day. I miss you much and maybe I'll see you next time I'm in town!
